Showing 1–25 of 96 results
A Mighty Fortress
$1.95 * Beginner Level — A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (German, Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott) is the best known of Martin Luther's hymns.Add to cart -
Abide With Me
$1.95 Beginner Level — Abide with Me is a hymn by Scottish Anglican Henry Francis Lyte, most often sung to William Henry Monk's tune "Eventide."Add to cart -
Ah Holy Jesus
$1.95 Beginner Level — Herzliebster Jesu,usually translated into English as Ah, Holy Jesus is a German hymn written in 1630 by Johann Heermann, a German poet and hymn-writer.Add to cart -
All Glory Laud and Honor
$1.95 Beginner Level — All Glory, Laud and Honor is based on verses written by Theodulph of Orleans (ca. 750-60 to 18 December 821). It is a Palm Sunday hymn, based on Matthew 21:1–11 and the occasion of Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem.Add to cart -
All Hail The Power
$1.95 * Beginner Level — All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name is often called the "National Anthem of Christendom."Add to cart -
All That I Am I Owe To Thee
$1.95 Beginner Level — The words of the hymn All That I Am I Owe to Thee are taken from the 1912 Psalter, a project of 10 Presbyterian and Reformed denominations.Add to cart -
Amazing Grace (Beginner)
$1.95 * Beginner Level — Amazing Grace is a Christian hymn written by English poet and clergyman John Newton (1725-1807). Published in 1779, it is one of the most recognizable songs in the English-speaking world.Add to cart -
And Can It Be
$1.95 Beginner Level — And Can It Be was first published in John Wesley's Psalms and Hymns in 1738, then in Hymns and Sacred Poems in 1739. From middle of the nineteenth century on, And Can It Be has been set to the tune SAGINA.Add to cart -
Angels From the Realms of Glory
$1.95 * Beginner Level — Angels from the Realms of Glory is a Christmas carol written by Scottish poet James Montgomery. It was first printed in a English newspaper on Christmas Eve 1816.Add to cart -
Angels We Have Heard on High
$1.95 * Beginner Level — Angels We Have Heard on High is based on a traditional French carol known as Les Anges dans nos campagnes (literally, "Angels in our countryside") composed by an unknown author in France.Add to cart -
Arise My Soul Arise
$1.95 Beginner Level — Arise, My soul, Arise, written in 1742, is one of Charles Wesley's most popular hymns. It has been published in 773 hymnals.Add to cart -
Away In A Manger
$1.95 * Beginner Level — Away in a Manger is a Christmas carol first published in 1885 in Philadelphia and used widely throughout the English-speaking world.Add to cart -
Be Still My Soul
$1.95 * Beginner Level — Be Still, My Soul, written in German in 1752 by Katharina Amalia Dorothea von Schlegel (1697–1768) and translated into English in 1855 by Jane Laurie Borthwick (1813–1897).Add to cart -
Be Thou My Vision
$1.95 * Beginner Level — Be Thou My Vision is a traditional Christian hymn, which can be traced to Ireland but is now sung in English-speaking churches around the world.Add to cart -
Blessed Assurance
$1.95 Beginner Level — Blessed Assurance is one of the well-known hymn by blind hymn writer Fanny J. Crosby.Add to cart -
Blessing and Honor
$1.95 Beginner Level — Despite many griefs in Hoaratius Bonar's life, he was able to pen the words of this hymn and others, including I heard the Voice of Jesus say; Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face; A few more years shall roll; and others.Add to cart -
Blest Be The Tie That Binds
$1.95 * Beginner Level — Upon making the decision to continue pastoring his beloved, but smaller church rather than taking a call from a larger congregation, John Fawcett wrote the words to Blessed Be the Tie that Binds.Add to cart -
Brightest and Best
$1.95 * Beginner Level — Brightest and Best was written in 1811 by the Anglican bishop Reginald Heber to be sung at the feast of Epiphany, a feast that commemorates the visit of the Magi to the Christ child.Add to cart -
Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands
$1.95 * Beginner Level — Luther was a prolific hymnodist (writer of hymns), authoring hymns such as "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God", based on Psalm 46, and the Easter hymn "Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands," which was inspired by a medieval Easter hymn from approximately 1100 A.D. called “Christ Is Arisen”.Add to cart -
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
$1.95 *Beginner Level — Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, written by Charles Wesley, is the traditional processional hymn on Easter Sunday.Add to cart -
Come Let Us Sing Unto The Lord
$1.95 Beginner Level — The tune "Duke Street" was composed for Psalm 98 by John Hatton.Add to cart -
Come Thou Almighty King
$1.95 * Beginner Level — Charles Wesley published the words of over six thousand hymns, writing the words for a further two thousand, many of which are still popular, including Come, Thou Almighty King.Add to cart -
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
$1.95 * Beginner Level — Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing is a Christian hymn composed by the 18th century Methodist pastor and hymnist Robert Robinson.Add to cart -
Come Ye Faithful Raise the Strain
$1.95 Beginner Level — Come Ye Faithful Raise the Strain is one of the Christian church's oldest hymns. It was written by John of Damascus who lived from around 675 to 749.Add to cart -
Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy
$1.95 Beginner Level — Joseph Hart (1712 – 24 May 1768) was an 18th-century Calvinist minister in London. His works include Hart's Hymns, a much-loved hymn book amongst evangelical Christians throughout its lifetime of over 200 years, which includes the well-known hymn, Come ye sinners, poor and needy.Add to cart