The Apostles’ Creed
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One day, a church member approached me after the morning worship service. He had in his hand a copy of a song that he grew up singing in Holland. It was the Apostles’ Creed. He wanted to see if we could incorporate it into our time of singing. I took it home. As I reviewed it, I began to tinker with the melody. Soon, I had come up with an entirely different, new tune. It is an awe-inspiring privilege to write a contemporary melody for such ancient words that the saints have confessed for hundreds of years. I dedicated this song to our friend Nico Bouwkamp.
Click here to learn more about the Apostles’ Creed.
I believe in God the Father,
Maker of the heaven and earth;
and in Jesus Christ our Savior,
God’s own son, of matchless worth;
By the spirit was conceived;
of the virgin Mary born,
He in Whom I have believed;
God Almighty, the three in One.
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
crucified, for me He died;
Laid within the grave so silent,
gates of Hell He opened wide;
For the stone-sealed tomb was empty,
on the third day He arose;
Into Heaven made His entry,
Mighty conquerer of His foes.
God’s right hand He is seated,
’til His coming, as He said;
Final judgement will be meted
to the living and the dead;
I confess the Holy Spirit,
Who was sent through Christ the Son,
To apply salvation’s merit,
God’s own Spirit, the three in One.
I believe the Church of Jesus
universal, e’er remains.
We are one through all the ages,
in communion of the saints.
I believe sins are forgiven,
that our bodies will be raised,
To eternal life in Heaven.
Praise His name, amen, amen!