Loving Shepherd, Living Water

Please download the free arrangement and use this song at your church. We think it is especially appropriate for children’s choir—a wonderful way to teach them about the Christ of Psalm 23.  Loving Shepherd, Living Water

Loving Shepherd, Living Water Although many songs have been written with Psalms 23 as the framework, in this song, we tie the themes of Psalms 23 in the Old Testament to Christ the Shepherd as revealed in the New Testament. In verse 1, “he leadeth me beside the still waters” is tied to Christ the “Living Water” (John 4:10). The dark night of the “valley of the shadow of death” is contrasted with the “Light of the World” (John 1:5-8). And finally, in verse 3, the “table before me” is tied to the true and lasting sustenance, Christ, the “Bread of Life” (John 6:35).


Verse 1
The Lord is my Shepherd,
O Lamb of God.
My soul He delivered,
His path I trod.
Still, peaceful and cool waters
I will enjoy.
He is the Living Water.
I sing for joy.

Loving Shepherd, Living Water,
O, Bread of Life, great are Your ways.

Verse 2
My soul He refreshes,
Like sun’s daybreak.
My steps He arranges
For His name’s sake.
Past deep and scary shadow
And through dark night,
I fear not Satan’s arrow-
Christ is the Light.

Verse 3
A table before me,
Amidst the strife.
My cup, full and plenty;
O, Bread of Life.
Your benefits will follow
All of my days.
I live beneath His shadow;
Great are His ways.