All Things Work Together
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I had dropped my children off at Cornerstone Christian School and then met with my girlfriend for prayer. I was interrupted by a phone call from my husband. He said that the building that housed PianoDisc, where our good friend, Tom Lagomarsino, worked had caught fire.
My heart went out to him and the owners, and I immediately began praying for them. On my way home, I drove by the business. It looked like a tragedy; much of the building had burned down. On my way home, instead of feeling sad, I experienced the peace of the Lord and began to hum a tune. The result was one of my favorite songs, All Things Work Together. As you can guess, I took it from Romans 8:28. I dedicated it to Tom Lagomarsino and the owners of PianoDisc, the Burgett family.
All things work together
For good to those who love him.
All things work together
For good to those in him.
All things work together
For good to those who love him.
All things work together
For good to those in him.
To them that love their God,
To them who are the called,
His good will come in all things,
To whom are all God’s chosen,
According to His purpose.
All things work together
For good to those who love him.
All things work together
For good to those in him.