The Teacher’s Tip

Our “Favorite Hymns for Kids” books are meant to be used … And I mean used! By the time a student is done with their books not only are they wrinkled, crumpled and worn, but they are also all marked up. I encourage them to make notes as they practice and sing the hymns.

As their teacher I also help the student in “marking up” their books. I find that different colored highlighter pens are invaluable. As I teach, the student highlights the different concepts. The above image is an example. The red circles indicate G space notes and new finger positions.  The blue line on measures 15 and 16 remind the student of a scale run.  The words of the hymn were divided into red, pink and green colors to identify the hymn meter.  Not only do the kids like the bright colors, but it helps them to quickly learn the concepts and remember them the next time they practice.

Click here to review our “Favorite Hymns for Kids” book series.